Strategic <span class="green-accent">Partnerships</span> for Exceptional Executive Searches

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High Success Rate
in Specialised Searches

Our retained search service boasts an exceptional success rate of over 90%, highlighting our effectiveness in securing the right talent for specialised, challenging roles.

Dedicated Approach Leading to Swift Outcomes

Our focused retained search process averages a 3-week duration to shortlist candidates, exemplifying our efficiency in navigating complex hiring scenarios in the fresh produce industry.

Enduring Contributions from Placements

The candidates we place are not just a fit for today but for the future, contributing to the long-term success and growth of the organisations they join in the fresh produce sector.
Our Process

Retained Search


Client Briefing Meeting

We commence with an in-depth client briefing to fully understand your organisation's goals, culture, and the specific requirements and challenges for the role, setting the stage for a tailored search.

Market Research and Targeted Approaches

Our team conducts detailed market research and utilises targeted approaches, leveraging our global network and industry insights to identify potential candidates, including those in niche or challenging locations.

Candidate Interviews and Assessments

Candidates undergo comprehensive interviews and assessments, where we evaluate their qualifications, experience, and alignment with your organisation's culture and strategic goals.

Client Updates and Feedback

Throughout the process, we maintain close communication with you, providing updates and seeking feedback to ensure the search remains aligned with your evolving needs and expectations.

Presentation of Candidates

Following thorough evaluation, we present you with a curated list of candidates, offering detailed insights into their capabilities and fit for your organisation.

Facilitation of Final Selection and Onboarding

Our involvement continues through the final selection process and onboarding, ensuring a smooth transition and integration of the chosen candidate into your organisation.

Discover <span class="bright-green-accent">Premier Retained Search</span> </br> Solutions for Your Executive Hiring

Engage with our team to discuss your unique needs for retained executive search. Let us demonstrate how our specialised, in-depth approach can lead to the successful placement of key leadership roles in your organisation.


Curious about how our retained search services can elevate your executive hiring process? Dive into our FAQs for a deeper understanding of our expertise, personalised approach with clients, and our strategies for ensuring success, even in the most challenging searches.
What makes retained search different from other types of executive search?

Retained search is distinct in its focus on mid-level positions that present specific challenges, such as niche skill sets or roles in challenging locations. While executive search is more targeted towards senior-level roles like C-suite and directors, involving a more in-depth assessment process, both retained and executive searches are highly tailored. Retained search is especially useful for confidential hires, offering a dedicated approach to meet these unique demands.

How does the retained search process work at LCR International?

Our retained search process involves an in-depth client briefing, extensive market research, personalised candidate approaches, thorough interviews and assessments, regular client updates, and assistance in final selection and onboarding.

What types of roles and industries does LCR International specialise in for retained search?

While we specialise in the fresh produce industry, our retained search service is versatile, addressing mid-level positions across various functions such as operations, technical roles, sales, marketing, HR, and finance.

How does LCR International handle challenging or remote location placements?

Our global reach and deep industry knowledge enable us to tackle placements in challenging or remote locations effectively, ensuring we find the right talent regardless of geographic constraints.

Can LCR International conduct confidential searches?

Yes, confidentiality is a key aspect of our retained search service. We are experienced in handling sensitive assignments, ensuring discretion throughout the search process.

What is the timeline for a typical retained search?

The duration of a typical retained search at LCR International typically spans 8-12 weeks from the initial brief to the final offer. We aim for an efficient yet thorough process, with an average of 3 weeks to shortlist candidates. This timeline ensures a balance between a detailed search and meeting your timely requirements.

How does LCR International ensure a good fit between the candidate and the company?

We conduct comprehensive assessments, including behavioural profiling and cultural fit analysis, to ensure candidates align not only with the role's requirements but also with your company's culture and values.

What is the fee structure for retained search services?

Our fee structure for retained search services is based on the scope and complexity of the search. We recommend scheduling a consultation for detailed and personalised information.

Contact Us

Let’s Cultivate Success Together

Ready to elevate your leadership team or advance your career in the fresh produce industry? Connect with us today to explore opportunities and solutions tailored to your needs.
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